Current Projects

Fiction writing:

Murder Mysteries: I am dipping my toes into the murder mystery genre. Wish me luck!

Science-Fiction Romance: A brilliant scientist and a brawny farmer travel the Obsidian Rim in search of the ingredients for the perfect queen black bean. This crop can make the Prithvi farmers be self-reliant and away from the clutches of the corporate Earth’s Conservatory. To find out more, please click here.

If you’d like to read about my inspirations for the Pipettes and Plows trilogy, please click here.

Middle-Grade: featuring a chatty snake in search of food.

Non-Fiction: I am writing a book on fibromyalgia, a chronic illness that plagues many people. I hope to share my personal experience and tips for surviving this horrible painful life.

Non-Fiction: I am writing a book on the genocide of trans people in 2023 in the United States