Coexistence – Book 1 of the Pipettes and Plows Series

Hi everyone,

I’m so excited and happy to announce that my first book will be published in a collaboration through Wonky Perspectives and Windtree Press. It will follow a brilliant scientist and a brawny nice farmer travel through the Obsidian Rim in search for the queen black bean. The crop is key to the freedom of the Prithvi farmers from the corporate Earth’s Conservatory’s evil clutches. To learn more about the two new adults carving their way in the dark vast expanses of the Rim, please click here:

Coexistence by Shree C. Aier: Pipettes and Plows book 1 in a trilogy series set within the obsidian rim universe
Coexistence: Book 1 in a trilogy Pipettes and Plows, series set within the Obsidian Rim universe

We have created a whole new universe for you to immerse in. In the Obsidian Rim, life is dark and dangerous. How does humanity change? Have fun exploring 🙂